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10 am Sunday Worship Service
Transitional Pastor, Dr. Ted Land


We will resume in-person worship in our sanctuary on World Communion Sunday, October 4, 2020 at 10 am. If you would like to attend, please read about our in-person worship safety practices and protocols on our COVID-19 Safety page.

Weekly video-recorded worship services are also available on our Online Worship page.

In our services, we enjoy music by our Praise Band, organist, pianist, cellist, and special guest musicians. When the COVID-19 crisis is over, we will again enjoy our choir! The Lord’s Supper is served on the first Sunday of the month.

We have visitor and handicapped parking, disabled access, and are a certified Dementia Friendly Congregation. 

As a Christian family, we seek to be "Renewed by Christ's Spirit" with song, prayer, Word and sacrament, sharing God's love in fellowship (currently held on online via Zoom), and allowing God to strengthen and transform us through preaching, teaching, and study of the Bible.

This spiritual renewal sets us free and empowers us to be "Released for Christ's Service," as we are 'sent' out each week to be the church, the hands and feet, heart and voice, eyes and ears of Jesus.