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Sunday 10 A Worship Service
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At Church

Christian Education Team

To provide learning experiences for individuals, families, and groups which assist them to grow in the knowledge of Jesus Christ and to apply that knowledge as His ambassadors.

Communications Team

To manage church related information between and among church members, friends and community. To share with the community about the church, its welcoming nature, programs and openness to all.

 Outreach Team

Endowment Team

The Role of the Endowment Committee is to ensure that the legacy funds of the church are invested in a safe and appropriate manner for the future benefit of the organization and are preserved and accounted for accurately to the church leadership.

Fellowship/Congregational Care Team

Finance Team

In a spirit of continued excellence, integrity and dedication, the Finance Team is committed to providing timely, accurate, clear and complete information by supporting Session Teams and the community.

Personnel Team

The Personnel Team serves in an advisory capacity to the Head of Staff and to the Session.

The Team reviews and recommends revisions, when necessary, to personnel policies, practices and evaluation procedures. This Team strives to ensure that employees posses the skills, abilities and training required to achieve the goals and mission of Palma Sola Presbyterian Church.

The Team oversees both the employee hiring process and the annual employee evaluations, in concert with the other teams in their respective areas of responsibility. The Team reviews proposed salary and benefit changes. The Team also performs such other duties as may be assigned by the Head of Staff or the Session.

Property & Grounds Team

Stewardship Team

To cultivate stewardship as a way of life by engaging people to gratefully share their God-given gifts through prayer, service and giving.

Worship Team

To provide inspiring worship in a format that connects people to God and to each other and equips us to serve Christ in the church and the world.

Youth Team